504 Outdated Optimize Dep Failed To Load Resource The Server Responded With A Status Of

It gave me 504 outdated dep, so i purged cache and node_modules again and again to no avail. This one is about the wrong error message. A quick search on trusty stackoverflow.

Vite bug 504 (Outdated Optimize Dep) 解决 · Issue 46 · anyesu/blog · GitHub

504 Outdated Optimize Dep Failed To Load Resource The Server Responded With A Status Of

One way to get them to show up is to start one remix vite app, stop it, and start another one. Learn how to update and optimize your angular application with the latest version of the 504 outdated optimize dep angular tool. The error failed to load resource:

Set to true to force.

I am following the instructions here but when i add the line import bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js to the main.js file i get the error on the network. Server responded with status 504 (outdated optimize dep) occurs when the server takes too long to respond to a request. Options to pass to esbuild during the dep scanning and optimization. Certain options are omitted since changing them would not be compatible with vite's dep optimization.

If it just gives me 404 i would know where to dig. I have also seen this very similar question:

Vite returns 504 Outdated Optimize Dep for nonexisting resource

Vite returns 504 Outdated Optimize Dep for nonexisting resource

Error "504 (Outdated Optimize Dep)" when force reoptimization on the

Error "504 (Outdated Optimize Dep)" when force reoptimization on the

Vite bug 504 (Outdated Optimize Dep) 解决 · Issue 46 · anyesu/blog · GitHub

Vite bug 504 (Outdated Optimize Dep) 解决 · Issue 46 · anyesu/blog · GitHub

failed to load resource the server responded with a status of 504

failed to load resource the server responded with a status of 504

