X264 Not Found Using Pkg-config Package Ffmpeg 5 0 "error Openh264 Pkgconfig" On

This can be fixed easily installing the. Why does a manual ffmpeg./configure find libx264, but makepkg does not? Include the log file ffbuild/config.log produced by configure as this will help solve the problem.

[package] ffmpeg/5.0 "Error openh264 not found using pkgconfig" On

X264 Not Found Using Pkg-config Package Ffmpeg 5 0 "error Openh264 Pkgconfig" On

It fails at the configure phase with: >> found or incorrect you will get the not found. Build_arch=arm64 option_variable=options_arm64 === configuring === error:

If the latest version fails, report the.

😃 i keep running into the following error brewing ffmpegdecklink on xubuntu 20.04.6: However, installer just can't see the installed libx264 on my server machine. I'm trying to add libx264 support to my already existing ffmpeg installation. > > am 02.03.23 um 08:38 schrieb ferdi scholten:

交叉编译ffmpegaac x264 x265_x264 not found using pkgconfigCSDN博客

交叉编译ffmpegaac x264 x265_x264 not found using pkgconfigCSDN博客

[package] ffmpeg/6.1 x264 not found using pkgconfig · Issue 21694

[package] ffmpeg/6.1 x264 not found using pkgconfig · Issue 21694

win10 msys2 vs2015 ffmpeg3.3.3 编译 带x264 aac_error x264 not found using

win10 msys2 vs2015 ffmpeg3.3.3 编译 带x264 aac_error x264 not found using

[package] ffmpeg/5.0 "Error openh264 not found using pkgconfig" On

[package] ffmpeg/5.0 "Error openh264 not found using pkgconfig" On

 pkgconfig cflags vips vips vips vips, pkgconfig exec "pkg

pkgconfig cflags vips vips vips vips, pkgconfig exec "pkg