Reddit Cs Majors Where My Math At?? R Ud

After 210 ish leetcode problems, a dozen mock interviews and 8 months of my life geared around preparing for this interview, i failed it. Here is some advice for people who are currently studying or considering cs after seeing all the layoff posts, on recurring themes and common traits i've seen watching successful people in. A discussion thread on r/csmajors where users share their experiences and opinions about the jobs they landed after graduating with a computer science degree.

cS MaJOrs aReN’T eNGinEeRS r/ProgrammerHumor

Reddit Cs Majors Where My Math At?? R Ud

I was given the question, 'given an int, find the next. Cs can be extremely overwhelming, but if you graduated with a 4.0, you're likely far ahead of most people. Welcome, one and all, to cs majors!

Welcome, one and all, to cs majors!

The next step for you is definitely to build a project to see if you're even.

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where my math cs majors at?? r/UCSD

cS MaJOrs aReN’T eNGinEeRS r/ProgrammerHumor

cS MaJOrs aReN’T eNGinEeRS r/ProgrammerHumor